A Million Drops

…. making a difference in the lives
of people in need.

A Million Drops

…. making a difference in the lives of people in need.

A Million Drops

…. making a difference in the lives of people in need.


New Leadership

By |March 25, 2023|

Big Changes at A Million Drops Today, we have sad, yet exciting news to share with you. After over 10 years of being in charge of A Million Drops' programs and operations, Founder and Executive Director Maike Both decided to step down and focus on her personal life. Maike's successor, previous board member Sheila Irani, takes over, bringing fresh energy and great visions for the future of A Million Drops! The Board thanks Maike for her dedication and passion, often innovative approach to creating programs and unique perspective to solving problems. As A Million Drops' new Executive Director, Sheila is [...]

AMD During Corona

By |June 2, 2021|

AMD DURING CORONA It's been over a year since we closed the A Million Drops Learning Center. Here is what we have been up to since: • provided over 1,000 free laundry vouchers, so that people experiencing homelessness can wash their clothing, blankets and sleeping bags. • handed out over 100 bags with toiletries, socks, bottled water and energy bars. • bought sofas, beds, chairs, refrigerators, desks, shelves, lamps, curtains, linens, kitchenware, decorative items and other needed items for previously unhoused individuals who finally moved into apartments. We couldn't do any of this without your support, and we are very [...]

AMD Learning Center Closing

By |March 2, 2020|

A MILLION DROPS LEARNING CENTER IS CLOSING Two years ago we took the big step signing a lease for a space in Hollywood, so we could offer classes and workshops in a safe, quiet and happy environment to people experiencing homelessness, and it is with deep sorrow and regret that we are announcing the closing of the A Million Drops Learning Center. Our Director Maike devoted all her time outside of her regular job to make things happen, and she finally realized that the responsibility is too much much for one person to handle. It was an amazing time. Every [...]

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