A Million Drops is an L.A.-based non-profit organization founded in 2013. We are dedicated to providing direct, uncomplicated and individual support to youth and adults experiencing homelessness who want to make a difference in their lives and need a helping hand to do so.
We provide laundry vouchers, toiletries, socks, and other needed items, and support individuals who – after having lived on the street for years move into a apartment – by helping them turn four walls into a home, for some of them the first own home they ever had.
Free Laundry Vouchers

After offering a Free Laundry Day once a month for four years where we supplied coins, detergent, and assisted our homeless sisters and brothers with washing their clothes, blankets and sleeping bags, we decided in 2018 to switch to a Free Laundry Voucher program, allowing the recipients more flexibility to do their laundry any day of the week, 365 days a year.
Thanks to generous support from the Hollywood United Neighborhood Council we are able to distribute 100 vouchers per month. They are available during Free Shower Days at the Hollywood Adventist Church, and can be redeemed at Wash On Western, seven days a week from 7 am – 7 pm.

After providing our services on foot for five years, we decided to take a big step, and in Spring 2018, we opened the A Million Drops Learning Center – a quiet, safe place in the heart of Hollywood for youth and adults wanting to take the step out of homelessness through learning and self-improvement.
Managed by a young man experiencing homelessness himself, our Learning Center had a very unique concept. People of all ages, genders, and ethnicities came to spend time in a safe environment, reading a book from our free library or learning a new skill. And in spite of the extreme stress that comes with experiencing homelessness, our Learning Center was a peaceful place.
Mondays through Fridays, volunteer teachers offered creative classes and workshops, such as Improv, Edible Gardening, Breathing Techniques, Spoken Word, Podcasting and more. In addition, we provided daily meals – often prepared for the whole group by one of them – as well as laundry vouchers, toiletries and many other needed things.
Sadly, we had to close our A Million Drops Learning Center in 2020, but we look back with love, and with pride of what we accomplished.