To make a difference in the lives of people in need.


The A Million Drops Learning Center

Because knowledge and creativity give you wings.

In April 2018, we opened the Learning Center, a safe, non-judgmental space where A Million Drops provided emotional and educational support, and the tools needed to start building a life that leads off of the streets. Growth was promoted by encouraging communication, studying and taking on responsibilities.

Our programs included workshops in Improv & Acting, Story Telling and Poetry, we offered an Edible Gardening class, a Film Club, courses on How To Write A Great Resume and How To Conduct A Successful Job Interview, and a four weeks workshop in Screen Writing. The Learning Center was also a safe haven for Reading, Writing and Creating Art. Additional, we assisted with replacing a lost or stolen IDs, and helped with interview preparations.

In 2020, during the pandemic, we decided to close our Learning Center, and we are now focussing on supporting individuals we have come to know over the past years. We help by paying for food, a pair of new shoes, a phone charger and many other things; we also still provide free laundry vouchers.